Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mon Coeur

All I ask from you is to be truthful. Untuk kau selalu setia.
I ask from you to be there for me, especially for the times I need you the most.
Saat diriku luka. When my world seem to come to an end.

My promise, is to take care of you. From your waking days to your sleeping nights.
Be it in your dreams and reality world
I will always be there for you. In life now and thereafter.

Jangan engkau pergi tinggalkan diriku.

I know I'm just a weak being. Yang selalu jatuh. Unlike, you, able to withstand anything.
I'm nothing compared to you. When you appeared, all I can do is run. Sadly, when I stopped running. You decide to pretend and move away. You gave up.

This is as heart full as I can do here.

I've tried to do the right thing. Asked myself, if it's really the right thing to do. Asked if it's really meant for me to keep. Meant for me to fight. Meant for me to prove. When I try to forget. Once more, when I try to run away. Things and paths just seems to cross again. I've tried avoiding. I've tried blocking. I've tried ignoring, though it hurts me doing so.
In my confusion, path just seemed to cross again. Right now, my only fight is to get into the right path. I'm only searching for the truth.
All I can do now, is hope for the better. I cannot, and for will ever, know if the thing that I'm doing is the right thing to do. All I know, when that thing feels right. When that thing feels surreal. When that thing feels forever. You should cherish it. Not to question it. Not to doubt it.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Ne me quitte pas

Tu me manque beacoup. Take time to realise, I am by your side. I'm right here. In front of you. I can't keep on spelling it out for you.

Est-ce que tu m'entend? We don't have to wonder, if we missed out on each other. Because that's the reality right now. I've been waiting. But, I can't keep on spelling it out to you.

Mon etoile d'espoir, ne me quitte pas, s'il vous plait.

Di sebalik kesulitan ada kebaikan.


Friday, November 27, 2009


Satu mimpi yang indah.
Telah diriku miliki.
Mengapa sukar untuk ku.
Buat mimpi itu selamanya.
Sudah lama ku mencarinya.
Hati ku pun terbuka.
Tapi mengapa akhirnya.
Hati ku yang terluka.
Mimpi itu indah buat ku.
Mengapa sukar bagi ku.
Buat mimpi itu selamanya.
Setelah diriku memilikinya.
Sukar buat ku.
Melupakan apa yang tercipta.
Mimpi yang ku alami.
Mimpi yang terindah.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mon Etoile D'espoir

Ecoute moi, Mes amis.
Ecoute moi, chere etoile d'espoir.
Je suis dans la mer du peur.
Je ne comprendre pas pourqoui je suis ici.
Chere Etoile D'espoir, je me suis mourir du chargin.
Chere Etoile D'espoir. Je suis mort.
Chere Etoile D'espoir, Montrez moi la lumiere.
Chere Etoile D'espoir, Je suis peur.
Chere Etoile D'espoir. Aidez moi. Sil vous plait.
Chere Etoile D'espoir. Je suis Perdu.
Chere Etoile D'espoir. Je besoin de toi.
Ne me quitte pas sil vous plait.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I can't pretend that everything is the same. I can't keep on pretending that I'll be okay. Because I'M not.
I had enough of these foolish games. I can't pretend that I not missing every part of it. Because I DO. I MISS it A LOT.

I want the emotional yo-yo ride to stop. I WANT to go back in time where it seemed like everything was finally going my way. The way it is suppose to be.

I'm hungry for those times. I WANT TO GO BACK. I want things to go back to normal. I'm hungry to go back.

Is it wrong to want? Is it wrong to fight for what I think is right? Is it wrong?

Isn't it in nature to go against what's give to us? Isn't is nature, to fight for what we want?

Call me insane. BUT I'm hungry.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jangan ada erti mengalah

Of course there would be those small group of people mistakenly analyze that phrase differently to what I meant by it. I'm here to say exactly what in mind.

All theses questions starting with the "what if's" drives me crazy. I've come to a point where, I "just do". Yeah sure, I'll ask a few people if it's the sensible thing to do. But that does not mean I won't do it. It'll just delay my course.

I'm not giving up. But that's up to the rest to realize that I'm still here.
I've never gave up. But only time will decide.
I will not give up. But that's just me being optimistic.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Selamat Hari Jadi

Birthday Dedication to Ucu Lai :) Selamat Hari Jadi!!
Shall be seeing you soon. That's my birthday present to you. AHAH. :P


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sesungguhnya Manusia melampaui batas sebab dia melihat dirinya serba cukup.

Ingatlah, kita bukannya sempurna. Ingatlah, masa kita didunia hanya sementara. Ingatlah.


Sunday, November 1, 2009


Don't rush into a battle, to lose a war.

Surah Al-Insyirah, ayat 6 :

"Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan."


Unnecessary to declare war with me.


Mind. Heart. Poisoned by envy, jealousy, hatred.

Make it stop.


Wrong to be missing you?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Someone has told me

Song : Carla Bruni
On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses.
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos chagrins il s'en fait des manteaux
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit...

Que tu m'aimais encore,
C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore.
Serait-ce possible alors ?

On me dit que le destin se moque bien de nous
Qu'il ne nous donne rien et qu'il nous promet tout
Parait qu'le bonheur est porte de main,
Alors on tend la main et on se retrouve fou
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit ...

(au refrain)

Mais qui est-ce qui m'a dit que toujours tu m'aimais?
Je ne me souviens plus c'etait tard dans la nuit,
J'entends encore la voix, mais je ne vois plus les traits
"Il vous aime, c'est secret, lui dites pas que j'vous l'ai dit"
Tu vois quelqu'un m'a dit...

Que tu m'aimais encore, me l'a-t-on vraiment dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore, serait-ce possible alors ?

On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos tristesses il s'en fait des manteaux,
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit que...

(au refrain)

Favorite line :
They say the destiny played us like a fool. It promised us everything, but it gave us nothing.

Mission : Rescue

Status Update :

Rescuing a confused person from the claws of a tyrant.


It's all about doing what's right.

Friday, October 23, 2009


accuse me of being a liar. You accuse me of being a selfish jerk.

You accuse me for theft.

I say, you're a hypocrite. I say, You stop assuming things.

I say, You cannot comprehend.

You say you're sorry. I say those are just empty words.

You made everyone believed your version of the truth.

You made everyone pity You by your story.

I feel pity for You.

You may be strong at shooting words, but as a person You are weak.

Nevertheless, I admire You.

You can take a bow now. You have put up quite a show.

I give You many flowers in envy. I salute You.

I may not be the greatest fighter.

I may not be the best. I know I am not perfect.

But at least, I know my place.

I know where I belong. I know my being.

I do not have to force. I never did force.

Things just happened. Things will happen.

Truth will come out eventually. Only time will tell.

I'm an innocent bystander.

I respected You. You disrespected me.

Now, I bet You adieu.

Thank You for making my life filled with drama.

Thank You for being such a good role model.

Thank You.

Diantara keinginan untuk memiliki and mencintai adalah berbeza.
The want for to possess and to love is different.

The state of being in love and just love is different.
Diantara menyayangi dan mencintai adalah sangat berbeza.

One thing I've learnt, people will not change just because they say they'll change. Even if they promise they will. The fact still stands, it is very unlikely they will change. Changes in people only happens unknowingly.


"Are you a fighter jat?" Unlikely.
"Are you an innocent bystander?" very likely.
"Are you giving up?" Unlikely

Monday, October 12, 2009

Something that I was reminded of last night.

Jodoh itu terbahagi kepada 3 jenis:

1) Jodoh Syaitan
Ertinya: Berjalan, berdua-duaan. Akan selalu ada orang ketiga mengikuti perjalanan kita. Dia itu adalah makluk syaitan. Selalu mencuba menghasuti hati kita untuk membuat perkara yang dilarang. [Nauzibillah] Yang ditakutkan adalah sampai perempuan itu menjadi bulat diperut.

2) Jodoh Jin
Ertinya: A ada hati pada B. B tidak ada hati pada A. A tidak putus asa, sampai menggunakan ahli sihir. Menggunakan ilmu makluk Jin. Jin memasuki kedalam badan B, sampai B berpikiran yang B telah jatuh kepada tangan A. A dan B, akhirnya dengan tidak disedari oleh B, berkawin.

3) Jodoh Allah
Ertinya: Apabila mata berpandangan lalu berkenan didalam hati. Berkenalan sebagai kawan. No physical communication. Just talk. Lalu masuk pinang dan diterima oleh wanita itu. Lalu, berkawin.

Ku Percaya, tiada yang sia-sia. Segala yang terjadi ada hikmahnya. Hanya pada Mu aku merayu.

Ku tahu, pertemuan dan jodoh itu ditangan Tuhan. Percaya pada keadaan Qa'da dan Qadar.

Ku tak akan sekali-kali memaksa. Ku tak akan sekali-kali putus asa.

Pada masa ini, perhatian ku adalah hanya pada pelajaran. Pelajaran academic dan hidup.

Pada masa ini, perjuangan ku adalah untuk mencari kebenaran.

Pasa masa ini, perasaan ku akan diselimuti dengan penuh kesabaran.


On the side note,

Ku tahu perasaan ku ini tidak salah. Ku tahu dalam masa kebenaran akan menujukkan dirinya.
Terpulanglah pada orang itu untuk percaya kepada panggilan hati.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

eating in early morning

Spent the whole day till the next morning with the girls. Menganyam Ketupat is what we learnt and made. Embracing our Malay Culture, because we know we cannot forget who and where we come from.

Haven't slept since yesterday (10th October) 5am. Now it's 5.18 am (11th October). Whole 24 hours run of non-sleeping. Going for 36 hours of non-sleeping.

Ate late dinner and very early breakfast at 3.44am. Atu kelaparan.

It's 5.25am. Sitting in front of this blank screen. Talking to Nad. Random things. Drama. More Random things.

at 10am. Plan is to go jogging at Hdye park. Normal Sunday Routine.

12pm onwards. Just going with the flow.

This information is for people who LIKE to keep track of my days.

On the side note,

Pendirian ku tak akan berubah. Kebahagiaan keluarga ku adalah menjadi kebahagiaanku. Kebahagiaan orang lain adalah pilihan sendiri. Terpulanglah pada mereka untuk berada di jalan yang KeBenaran.

Jika mencari kebenaran itu salah, hindarkan lah diriku
Jika mencari kekuataan itu salah, jauhkan lah diriku
Jika mencari kebahagiaan itu salah, hilangkan itu dari diriku,


Friday, October 9, 2009


I adore you. I like you. I miss someone.

Aufa sulia. Triplets. Doubles. Family.

Kura-kura. Arnab.

The advice I was given recently,

"After a fall get right back up. Don't care what people say. Stand Tall. You can do this. "

Segala cobaan adalah kekuataan diri kita. Right now, penuhkan diri dengan kesabaran.

On the side note

Pertolongan dan kemenangan datangnya dari Allah SWT. Jauhkan lah diriku dari fitnah orang dan fitnah hati. Diriku hanya mencari kebenaran.


Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 153:

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, mintalah pertolongan kepada Allah dengan sabar dan solat. Sesungguhnya Allah berserta orang- orang yang sabar.

Dengan ini, aku bersabar. Sebab aku percaya dengan masa, kebenaran itu akan menunjukkan dirinya.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dal's Back in "Longdun"

7th October 2009

Dal's back in the city. My partner in crime. Tapi kesian, she is being sick in bed right now. Lagi kesian nya, she has to put up with me another year.. Laps you Daldal.

On the side note:

Salahkah aku menyampaikan kebenaran? Salahkah aku mencarinya? Salahkah aku merinduinya?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Roomie

A dedication Birthday celebration to my lovely roomie Dalila. Happy Birthday Lovie.

ON the side note.

I've let my guard down. In time you will too. In hoping so, we'll be happier.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Summer Ends Now.

26th September, 2009. Arrival at London, England. 2nd year of Uni starts. I'm happy and very grateful that I got through. At the same time, I'm very afraid for what's ahead of me.

Before the summer started I had high hopes for 2nd year. Thought all my problems would just blow away with the wind during summer. Alas, the problem has just begun to unfold itself.

New goal for this year. Stop getting lost. Get a grip of the future.


On the side note.
I miss you. Like you said it best, "Kura-kura hanya tahu berpura-pura, Arnab pula hanya tahu berlari". I'm guessing this time it's my turn to run away. Even though, I know that's the wrong thing to do. I'm really missing you.

Monday, August 24, 2009


This post shall be my last. I think. I want to recover myslef. I've lost myself. Till I find myself back, I shall not return.

Pray for me DEAR readers, my Friends, That everything will be fine. AMIN.

Blackbuterfly, Izati

Saturday, August 22, 2009

1st Day Puasa :)

Alhamdullilah. Survived thru the 1st day. Can't wait to fast for the whole month:) So excited. ahhh. Wuhoo~
And I'm very excited to leave London again :P This time around, I can finally enjoy the long awaited summer with family. Tommorrow's the flight :) Right now, I'm doing last minute things such as :
  1. Vacuuming.
  2. Laundry.
  3. Taking out the trash.
  4. Dusting the room.
  5. Packing my luggages :)
ON the side note:

Why? Till summer ends. That's it. No longer than the summer. My patience has it's limits.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Bulan Ramadhan Menjelma Tiba


1. Ramadhan jalan menuju ketaqwaan

Allah berfirman: “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kalian puasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas kaum sebelum kalian, agar kalian bertaqwa”. (Al Baqarah: 183).

Ayat di atas menerangkan bahwa puasa adalah sebab yang bisa mengantarkan pelakunya menuju ketaqwaan, karena puasa mampu meredam syahwat. Ini sesuai dengan salah satu penafsiran yang disebutkan Imam Al Qurthubi, yang berpatokan kepada hadits riwayat Imam Ahmad yang menyebutkan bahwa puasa adalah perisai.

2. Ramadhan bulan mujahadah

Para ulama’ salaf adalah suri tauladan bagi umat, mujahadah mereka dalam mengisi bulan Ramadhan amat perlu dicontoh. Seperti Imam Asyafi’i, dalam bulan Ramadhan beliau menghatamkan Al-Quran dua kali dalam semalam, dan iti dikerjakan di dalam shalat, sehingga dalam bulan Ramadhan beliau menghatamkan Al-Quran enam puluh kali dalam sebulan. Imam Abu Hanifah juga menghatamkan Al-Quran dua kali dalam sehari selama Ramadhan.

3. Puasa Ramadhan menumbuhkan sifat amanah

Wahbah Zuhaili dalam bukunya Al Fiqh Al Islami berpendapat bahwa puasa mengajarkan rasa amanat dan muraqabah di hadapan Allah Ta’ala, baik dengan amalan yang nampak maupun yang tersembunyi. Maka tidak ada yang mengawasi seseorang yang berpuasa agar menghindari hal-hal yang dilarang dalam berpuasa kecuali Allah Ta’ala

4. Puasa Ramadhan melatih kedisiplinan

Puasa juga melatih kedisplinan, Wahbah Zuhaili menjelaskan bahwa seorang yang berpuasa harus makan dan minum dalam waktu yang terbatas. Bahkan dalam berbuka puasapun harus disegerakan.

5. Puasa Ramadhan menumbuhkan rasa solidaritas sesama muslim

Wahbah Zuhali juga menjelaskan bahwa puasa Ramadhan menumbuhkan rasa solidaritas di antara sesama muslim. Pada bulan ini semua umat Islam, dari timur hingga barat diwajibkan untuk menjalankan puasa. Mereka berpuasa dan berbuka dalam waktu yang sama, dikarenaka mereka memiliki Rabb yang satu.

Seorang yang merasa lapar dan dahaga akhirnya juga bisa ikut merasakan kesengsaraan saudara-saudaranya yang kekurangan atau tertimpa bencana. Sehingga tumbuh perasaan kasih sayang terhadap umat Islam yang lain.

6. Puasa Ramadhan melatih kesabaran

Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan puasa di mana pada siang hari kita diperintahkan meninggalkan makanan yang asalnya halal, terlebih lagi yang haram. Begitu pula di saat ada seseorang mengganggu kita. Rasulullah Saw. bersabda: “Bila seseorang menghina atau mencacinya, hendaknya ia berkata 'Sesungguhnya aku sedang puasa." (HR. Bukhari)

7. Puasa Ramadhan menyehatkan

Rasulullah bersabda: ”Berpuasalah, maka kamu akan sehat” (HR. Ibnu Sunni), ada yang menyatakan bahwa hadits ini dhoif, akan tetapi ada pula yang menyatakan bahwa derajat hadits ini sampai dengan tingkat hasan (lihat, Fiqh Al Islami wa Adilatuh, hal 1619).

Tapi makna matan hadist bisa tetap diterima, karena puasa memang menyehatkan. Al Harits bin Kaldah, tabib Arab yang pernah mengabdi kepada Rasulullah Saw. juga pernah menyatakan:”Lambung adalah tempat tinggal penyakit dan sedikit makanan adalah obatnya”.

8. Lailatul Qadar adalah hadiah dari Allah untuk umat.

Ini Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Malik dalam Al Muwatha’, dia telah mendengar dari seorang ahlul ilmi tsiqah yang telah mengatakan: “Sesungguhnya telah diperlihatkan usia-usia umat sebelumnya kepada Rasulullah Saw., atau apa yang telah Allah kehendaki dari hal itu, dan sepertinya usia umat beliau tidak mampu menyamai amalan yang telah dicapai oleh umat-umat sebelumnya, maka Allah memberi beliau Lailatul Qadar yang lebih baik daripada seribu bulan.” (HR. Malik).

9. Ramadhan bulan ampunan Bulan.

Rasulullah Saw. bersabda: “Dan siapa yang berpuasa Ramadhan dengan didasari keimanan dan pengharapan ridha Allah, diampunkan untuknya dosa yang telah lalu.” (HR. Bukhari)

10. Siapa yang dilihat Allah, maka ia terbebas dari adzab-Nya

Dari Jabir bin Abdullah ra. Rasulullah Saw. bersabda: ”Pada bulan Ramadhan umatku dianugerahi lima perkara yang tidak diberikan kepada nabi-nabi sebelumku. Yang pertama, sesungguhnya jika Allah melihat mereka di awal malam dari bulan Ramadhan, dan barang siapa yang telah dilihat Allah maka Ia tidak akan mengadzabnya selamanya…” (HR. Baihaqi).
[Di kutip dari :]


On the side note:

" Si kura-kura hanya tahu berpura-pura, Si arnab pula hanya tahu berlari"


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Circus In the Square

Circus in Norflok Square, London
20th August 2009
The Performing Act


Dancing on Hoop

Having fun we are :)

I feel like a kid again :P

Balancing Act





Acrobatic Salsa Dancing


Amongst the Spectators

The juggling clown and host



Brunei Hall's Cute-ness

Random street baby :P

Entrance to the Square


All smiles

Face painting

ON the side note:
Because your eyes have seen another. Because your ears have heard loving caresses of another. Because your tongue have spoken loving caresses to another. Because your hands have touched the hand of another. Because you legs have carried you places together with another. Because, painfully, your heart is slowly falling for another.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Song:Doubled me

Doubled me - Original Blackbuterfly

Note: Opinions are greatlly appreciated. This song is out of boredom.



Bahagia - Cynthia Lamusu & Surya Saputra

Kekasihku... Lihatlah...
Tlah kau hapus luka dihatiku
Oh Sayangku...
Rasakanlah ini anugrah atas nama cinta

Katakan Pada dunia...
Kamu dan aku bahagia
Semoga cinta kan terjaga selamanya
Terima kasih Tuhan...
Kau beri aku seorang yang mendampingiku
Didalam suka dan duka

Kekasihku... Lihatlah...
Tlah kau hapus luka dihatiku
Oh Sayangku...
Rasakanlah ini anugrah atas nama cinta


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mission Impossible

Objective: To find and buy a shelf to put binders and textsbooks on :P

So I went to the a place recommended by mum, at Whiteleys. Sadly, this store was no more. So the trip to Bayswater was a waste. Next stop was Oxford street. One store after the other. NO shelf found. Until I stopped by John Lewis. 3rd floor. Amazing store!! Found the shelf, but very expensive for my taste and my student money. So walked back to Paddington. Wondering why I did not use the bus.
I stopped by at Argos, trying my luck.
Wuhooo~ My luck. They have my shelf. Under my budget too. Very conveniently enough.
Bought it. Me being very naive, and thought that I had the strenght. I walked back to Bru hall carrying the package.
ahahahaha:p Why oh why? Barat . All worth it.

The Finish Product: [Drum Roll]


What's leftover, and should have been used:


Still wondering what I should with these:



Monday, August 17, 2009

Ma Promenade De Reconnaisance


Taking a nice walk at Hyde Park :)
Such a lovely day. Just to sit under the bright sun.
Out seeing birds flying. Lying on the velvet grass:)
Such a Realiver of stress. Nature.
You tend to forget about everything.
I'm at peace. Alhamdullilah.
On the side note,
I would like to wish my very own cutey pie Babu Idah
Joyeux Birthday!!
okay, I shall resist the temptation of revealing the age :( It is just a number anyway.
I lap lap you.

Hope Babu Enjoy the cake as last year. Well enjoy it more than tahun lepas :P


Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's a plane


Wuhoo!!Wusshh!! So much Imagination from his wittle head. Wuhhoo!!Wusshh!!

Mabye that plane will deliver your book arif~ ahahaha:P


Friday, August 14, 2009

The inspiration

I've got asked a few times about the story behind the name, "Blackbuterfly". So here's the story.

In words terms, black stands for the mystery of one self. Black also signifies of how life can turn ridiculously upside down. That's where the word buterfly comes in. With wings, I can fly, soaring up into the blue sky away from the darkness. Into new light. Why the one letter "t"? As a reminder not to repeat any mistakes that I've done in the past (black). So that it'll stay unique, and as a lesson.

I've also got the inspiration from the song Blackbutterfly (1984) by Deniece Williams. Everytime I get confuse, this would be one of the songs that I calm too. Very inspirational. Very soothing. Once you listen to lyrics, you'll understand why.

Well, that's all I guess that's all . NO. That'll be a lie if I say that's all. I have more, but then it's too personal :P



Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Date with Faizah <3

Location: London, UK :P
Date : 13th August 2009

Tis was a fun day. aha:)
1) I finally got off my books and hit the roads.
2) I wasn't alone
3) I had a date :) Faizah!! :)

For lunch we had subway arah Edgware Road. Then we watch the VERY action-packed movie,
G.I. Joe. Truely very american I might add. But I TRUELY did enjoy watching it. So did Fai. :) And Fai got to taste her "first" Ben and Jerry smoothie.


Lepas tu, we found our way to Selfridges. Fai's first entry to Selfridges BTW! aha :) So cute eh that girl.

Last stop was Primark. Where I couldn't stop myslef any longer from buying the shoes that was calling me since last Tuesday. aha


And how uberly cool and nice of a sister am I? I got my sis a pair too~


Aites, now it's me off to studying.

