Thursday, September 16, 2010


Innocence is a term used to indicate a general lack of guilt.
I want to present the world that I do lack of guilt. I did not do the things that you claimed I did. You have no prove. The saying of the wind does not prove anything. You only listen to the things you want to listen. When in reality the truth that you are searching for have been trying to reach to you. The truth have been presented to you. It's been in front of your eyes. Open your heart. See with your open eyes and open minds.
Stop blaming me for the things that I did not do. For I did not do such things. I did not steal anyone. For I do not steal. The only thing I'm guilty of is leaving my heart in the hands of a stranger. I blame him for making me feel the way I feel right now. The only thing I'm guilty of is touching his bruised lonely heart. I pray that his heart stay with me. For I shall not force. For I do not force.

Listen with your heart, mind and eyes. Stop filtering the the voices of the wind to only the things that you want to hear.

If you are still persistent with your version of truth, I am not afraid to face you. Come meet with me if you dare. I will present you with my truth. I am not afraid of you. I never had. I never will. Come if you dare.
I am now prepared to present the world my innocence.

john cena

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jodoh adalah rahsia Allah.

'Jodoh adalah Rahsia Allah. Jika menyibukkan diri dgn hal jodoh, maka itu adalah perkara yg sia-sia kerana tidak yakin dgn Qada-qadar Allah. Tidak yakin makna tidak beriman, nauzubillah. Usah di fikirkan kerana jodoh akan datang tanpa di undang. Tetapi dengan syarat. Hendaklah mencintai Allah dulu, dengan sebenar-benar cinta. Dan jika Allah mencintai mu kembali, itu adalah nikmat yg paling besar dari Nya.kdg2 Allah melambatkan jodoh kita kerana Dia tahu, apabil kita sudah berkawin, kita akan jauh dari Nya.Gunakanlah masa 'single' mu utk mendekati Allah, kerana engkau akan disibukkan setelah kamu berumah tangga. Rugilah manusia yg sering berfikir bagaimana mencari jodoh, tetapi bukan bagaiman memanfaatkan masa terluang utk mendekati Allah. Sia-sia lah Allah memberi kamu masa.'' [NHO, Taken from facebook]

Monday, September 13, 2010


Diriku diduga, hanya untuk menambah kebolehan diriku. Insyaallah, I'll have my way light up. :) I still have hope. I will not despair. I will not back down.