Saturday, November 5, 2011

tied down

Ever felt like you're tied down. Ever felt like you're just a doll in the room. Ever felt like you just don't belong. Well thats how Im feeling right now. I'm a prisoner at my house. Ruled by not one, but two narcassistic tyrant. Every single time I voice out my opinion on things they go, "mana tau? Jgn kan kurang ajar ni. Don't think that you're 21 and pernah masuk university you can talk back. I have more experience in life than you. Nothing have changed In this world. You're a girl. You're defenceless. You're weak. You dont get to say anything. You are still under my roof. Do as I say not as I do."
"Nada kmi muda nada kami mau keluar. We rather stay at home." Whatever. Everyone knows thats a lie. No one stays at home stays sane. Lagipun, we, the kids hear outrageous stories about the old times from our uncle and aunts. I know you had you're rebellious years.
It's not fair that they had the freedom. Seen the world as it is.
It drives me crazy. Ergh. Annoying. Everyday its a new struggle. Everyday the knot is getting tighter. It hurts.


Parents, don't be like the wicked witch from Rapunzel when your daughters askes you permission to go out. Instead talk to them why they can or cannot go out. Have your days plan spending time with them. Don't ever think that by just buying electronic entertainment is enough to occupy her curiosity of the world. As humans we are connected with nature, she needs to see outside of the families circle of people, animals, trees, flowers, parks etc.
Don't ever feel like just because you are tired, you cannot automatically shut down and lock yourself In house and drag the girls in the house. If you ever do feel like shuting down, send your kids to your other family members for the day, this will keep them entertained, busy and out of your hair for the day.
Think back to when you are her age, think of how you feel everyday. You certainly wouldn't want to feel that you are chained by your hand n feets to the house now would you?
If she ever asked you to go out with her friends, be nice about it. Compromise. Get to know her friends if you are afraid that she'll turn into a sour seed. Be with open arms about them.
If you have a son, don't go setting different curfew times for him. Both son and daughter must be treated equal. There is no such thing as boys can do certain things while girls can only do certain things. Boys are more privileged and easy going whole the girls are monitored and overly protected. No. Bad parenting.
Don't ever think back to only the mistakes of your life and that it'll surely be done by your daughters. Let her do her own mistakes, this is the only way she'll learn how to adapt properly to the world.
Don't have her chained to the walls that you call home. It might be home to you, but surely enough it will be prison for her.
Don't ever think her talking back is her way of being rude. It is very Important that you listen to all her whims. You will understand her better and thus you can talk to her better. This will create a good parent daughter relationship. She will respect for you as you have respect for her.