Ever felt like you're tied down. Ever felt like you're just a doll in the room. Ever felt like you just don't belong. Well thats how Im feeling right now. I'm a prisoner at my house. Ruled by not one, but two narcassistic tyrant. Every single time I voice out my opinion on things they go, "mana tau? Jgn kan kurang ajar ni. Don't think that you're 21 and pernah masuk university you can talk back. I have more experience in life than you. Nothing have changed In this world. You're a girl. You're defenceless. You're weak. You dont get to say anything. You are still under my roof. Do as I say not as I do."
"Nada kmi muda nada kami mau keluar. We rather stay at home." Whatever. Everyone knows thats a lie. No one stays at home stays sane. Lagipun, we, the kids hear outrageous stories about the old times from our uncle and aunts. I know you had you're rebellious years.
It's not fair that they had the freedom. Seen the world as it is.
It drives me crazy. Ergh. Annoying. Everyday its a new struggle. Everyday the knot is getting tighter. It hurts.
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