Saturday, October 10, 2009

eating in early morning

Spent the whole day till the next morning with the girls. Menganyam Ketupat is what we learnt and made. Embracing our Malay Culture, because we know we cannot forget who and where we come from.

Haven't slept since yesterday (10th October) 5am. Now it's 5.18 am (11th October). Whole 24 hours run of non-sleeping. Going for 36 hours of non-sleeping.

Ate late dinner and very early breakfast at 3.44am. Atu kelaparan.

It's 5.25am. Sitting in front of this blank screen. Talking to Nad. Random things. Drama. More Random things.

at 10am. Plan is to go jogging at Hdye park. Normal Sunday Routine.

12pm onwards. Just going with the flow.

This information is for people who LIKE to keep track of my days.

On the side note,

Pendirian ku tak akan berubah. Kebahagiaan keluarga ku adalah menjadi kebahagiaanku. Kebahagiaan orang lain adalah pilihan sendiri. Terpulanglah pada mereka untuk berada di jalan yang KeBenaran.

Jika mencari kebenaran itu salah, hindarkan lah diriku
Jika mencari kekuataan itu salah, jauhkan lah diriku
Jika mencari kebahagiaan itu salah, hilangkan itu dari diriku,


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