Monday, March 1, 2010

20 years ago


That's 20years ago. Wondering if Neverland accepts those of many years.
Wondering if I keep on clapping, would Tinkerbell gives me that last bit of magical sand.
Nothing wrong with keeping faith and keep on believing right? :)

20 years ago, mummy and daddy and I believe, a doctor and nurse, first heard me cry.
20 years ago, I smiled for the first time.
20 years ago, I made my parents smile.

20 years ago, my parents had their first non-sleeping, stress filled night due to my baby cries.

That was 20 years ago.

Now, 20 years then, I'm praying that I will still be able to put that longed missed smile of my parents.
Now, 20 years then, I'm wishing that all my prayers will come true.
Now, 20 years then, I'm praying that my life will be filled with meaning.

20 years now, I'm waiting for my prince to bring me my missing glass high heeled shoe.
20 years now, I'm waiting for my dreams to come true.
20 years now, I'm still hoping that I can see Neverland and stay there.


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